Welcome To Revolutionary Studios

We're a passionate indie game development studio committed to creating games with a unique flair, pushing boundaries, and defying conventional design norms.


Are you ready for the battle? We enter the fray with our first game. Maramari Club


A fast paced pixel art based PvP fighting game where you humiliate the opponent with your actions to make them quit fighting.


Enter the Unbound, the last remnants of humanity take shelter in a place lost in space and time. Various factions are on a mission to revive subjects from different eras and cultures in an effort to prolong humanity's time in the world. Maramari Club has found a fun method to revive the subjects, through fighting.


Try our demo now on PC or Android at https://revouwu.itch.io/maramariclub


If you like what you see here and want to see more, feel free to reach out to us at contact@revolutionarystudios.com or join our discord to interact and meet our amazing team